Accenture Banking Blog




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3 Ways Generative AI Will Transform Banking

3 Ways Generative AI Will Transform Banking

One year after ChatGPT’s public launch, generative AI is probably still the hottest topic in the world of business—and ...

Sibos: Payments players partner for success

Sibos 2022: Payments players partner for success

It’s been a busy conference season, and one of my highlights was attending Sibos in Amsterdam, where more than 10,000 ...

What’s next? 3 powerful CX takeaways from Sibos

What’s next? 3 powerful CX takeaways from Sibos

I attended Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam and connected with clients and partners to discuss the future of banking. With so ...

Sibos: Banks readying to execute on sustainability goals

Sibos: Banks readying to execute on sustainability goals

This year’s Sibos conference in Amsterdam lifted the lid on how banks are grappling to become more sustainable and ...

Four big ideas in the wake of Sibos 2022

Four big ideas in the wake of Sibos 2022

In the wake of the Sibos conference, it looks to me like banking right now is full of paradoxes. Central bank digital ...

News from Sibos: Banks are excited for new trade finance solutions

News from Sibos: Banks are excited for new trade finance solutions

At the recent Sibos conference in Amsterdam, commercial banking leaders from around the world gathered to share their ...

What’s next for payments? 5 takeaways from Sibos

What’s next for payments? 5 takeaways from Sibos

The payments industry has undergone unprecedented transformation in recent times given the global pandemic, ...

Seven key themes from Sibos 2020

Seven key themes from Sibos 2020

Sibos 2020, the world’s largest financial services conference, was held virtually this year from October 5-8. The theme ...

View our latest insights

Accenture Growth in Payments

Fueling payments growth with new value propositions

New Accenture research highlights how payments leaders outgrow the competition in the face of disruption and evolving customer needs.
Accenture Back to Future Payments-

Back to the future of payments

Accenture Digital Payments Disruption Opportunity

Disruption and opportunity in digital payments

Sibos Authors

Michael Abbott

Senior Managing Director – Global Banking Lead

Sulabh Agarwal

Managing Director – Global Payments

Jared Rorrer

Managing Director – Global Commercial Banking and North America Banking Lead

Peter Beardshaw

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Global Financial Services Sustainability Lead

Jess Murray

Managing Director – Song, Banking Lead, Global