Accenture Banking Blog



Sustainable Finance

Latest Sustainable Finance blogs

Can banks help solve our global trade challenges?

Can banks help solve our global trade challenges?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’re aware that global trade and supply chains have ...

Banks can no longer stall on sustainability

Banks can no longer stall on sustainability

Banks have the opportunity of a lifetime. And if they don’t act now, it’s going to slip from their grasp.  I’ve just ...

Sibos: Banks readying to execute on sustainability goals

Sibos: Banks readying to execute on sustainability goals

This year’s Sibos conference in Amsterdam lifted the lid on how banks are grappling to become more sustainable and ...

Banks set to deliver on $369 Billion climate act

Banks set to deliver on $369 billion climate act

The $369 billion “climate action bill” that the US has just passed into law is positive news for banks committed to ...

Drive for sustainability ushers in new role for banks

Drive for sustainability ushers in new role for banks

The drive for sustainability will force banks to radically change their relationships with many of their key corporate ...

Six steps to help banks reach net-zero

Six steps to help banks reach net-zero

It’s fantastic that banks are taking the lead in the fight against climate change. Over 50 banks from across the world ...


Four steps for banks to master sustainable lending

Public pledges by HSBC, ING and UBS to curb their funding of fossil fuel production are welcome signs that the shift to ...

New ESG rules are good news for banks

New ESG ratings rules are good news for banks

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings are essential for banks and the companies they fund. But too often ...

Shift to green could be worth trillions for banks

Shift to green could be worth trillions for banks

It’s important but not critical.  That’s been the dominant narrative around sustainability.  Until now, that is. There ...

View our latest insights

Accenture Sustainable Lending

Retooling the bank for sustainable lending

Banks that lead in sustainable finance will strengthen public trust, stay ahead of regulatory expectations and have significant growth opportunities.
Accenture Risk and Return of Climate Change

The risks and costs of climate change for banks

Sustainable Finance Authors

Peter Beardshaw

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Global Financial Services Sustainability Lead

Jared Rorrer

Managing Director – Global Commercial Banking and North America Banking Lead

Chris Scislowicz

Managing Director – Global Lending Lead