Accenture Banking Blog



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How can banks lead the pack in open finance growth

How can banks lead the pack in open finance growth?

With Open Banking evolving into Open Finance around the world, it has been difficult to gather the necessary data to ...


Four ways Canadian banks can prep for Open Banking

The Open Banking wave is picking up speed in Canada. The Advisory Committee on Open Banking, in its final report, said ...

Unlock the promise of Open Banking market infrastructure

Unlock the promise of Open Banking market infrastructure

Open Banking allows customers to share access to their banking data with trusted third parties, which then provide the ...

View our latest insights

Accenture Open Banking

Ready to catch the Open Banking wave?

As open banking apps, initiatives and APIs gather momentum, a new Accenture report details how banks can lead in the open data economy.
Accenture Growth in Payments

Fueling payments growth with new value propositions

Open Data Authors

Aditi Kapoor

Management Consulting Manager – Payments

Patrick Raimondi

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Banking Lead, Canada

Amit Mallick

Managing Director – Global Open Banking & API Lead