Accenture Banking Blog

Becoming the UK’s best digital bank through customer centricity

Reignite human connections

Creating value for your bank is at the heart of our partnership, so bringing you relevant thought leadership and research is important to us.

Our latest Banking Consumer Survey report draws on a survey of approximately 2,500 UK bank customers highlighting what today's customers look for in a bank. We found that digital channels are struggling to build strong relationships with customers—and that customers of all ages still see real value in physical branches and personal conversations. These touchpoints are particularly powerful in times of rising rates and persistent economic uncertainty.

With 95% of interactions now of a digital nature, convenience is a must, but delivering attractive, easy-to-use journeys through brilliant design is the differentiator. Nevertheless, many banks still struggle to bring great design principles and approaches to give consumers what they get from other brands.

UK consumers have an average of 6.3 financial products. However, less than half of these are from their main bank compared to more than half globally and in other geographies.

Click here to download the infographic

The report also identifies how banks can capture untapped revenue by transforming their service channels to improve customer interactions and offering more relevant products and services to meet consumers’ evolving financial needs. Our modelling shows that this could boost revenue from primary customers by up to 21%.

Thank you.


Stuart Chalmers
Managing Director, Financial Services & Co-Lead, Accenture Scotland

Get in touch to discuss what these findings mean for your bank.


    Stuart Chalmers

Client Account Lead
Managing Director, Financial Services & Co-Lead, Accenture Scotland

You can find the full report here.
To discuss the report findings click here so we can arrange a meeting.